This is why this ministry is relentless about exalting the Person and grace of our Lord Jesus, and His perfect finished work. And we have seen so many precious lives truly and gloriously transformed as the word of His grace goes forth!
My friend, we’re living in the last days. Time is precious and I’m determined to move more urgently to reach even more people still living in darkness with the message of grace. Just imagine how God’s light will shatter that darkness as they encounter the Person of Jesus and His glorious grace for themselves…
- Instead of running away from God, they’ll fall in love with Him.
- Instead of living with fear, guilt, and condemnation, they’ll start living with joy, peace, and assurance of their righteousness in Christ.
- Instead of living under the dominion of the enemy, they’ll be liberated from the chains of addiction and reign over sin.
But this is a big job where partners—like-minded and like-hearted people like you—are needed. Will you join me?
Your partnership with this ministry will mean so much to me because it will help take the life-saving gospel into millions of homes and lives in the nations where I cannot be physically.
I hope you will prayerfully consider joining us today! You can bring life-giving truths to many precious individuals and flow with God’s heart in these last days!
Thank you for your support,