
61 is a good age! For Pastor Rod Parsley

61 is a good age! A few days ago, on the 13th of January 2018, Pastor Rod Parsley turned 61 years old. He is the author of more than 50 books and study guides. He is especially noted for his trilogy of books that call the Church to moral action: Still Silent No More, a manifesto for the “values voter” movement; Culturally Incorrect, a New York Times best seller, and Living on Our Heads.

His latest book is the third in a trilogy that calls the Church back to the basics of the Word of God. Entitled, The Finale: One World… One Ruler… One Reign…, mysteries of the Book of Revelation explained. Other of Pastor Parsley’s books include: Be Made Whole, a personal account of his battle and victory over cancer, God’s End-Time Calendar, the prophetic meaning behind celestial events and seasons and his landmark book, Repairers of the Breach, rebuilding the old gospel bridge leading today’s society across the chasm of sin, back to the basics of serving Christ. Happy birthday!



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